In October 2022, Remote Area Health Corps (RAHC) attended the NACCHO Conference 2022 alongside our programme administrator Aspen Medical, sister programme Rural Locum Assistance Program (Rural LAP) and Aspen Medical’s joint venture partner Equity Health Solutions (EHS). National Manager Kim Whiteley and Workforce Officer Luke Platten attended the conference on behalf of RAHC.

The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) is the peak body representing 144 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) across Australia. NACCHO provides advice and guidance to the Australian Government on policy and budget regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and well-being issues. They also advocate for community-developed solutions that contribute to the quality of life and improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

For both Kim and Luke, attending this conference was an opportunity to connect with stakeholders. 

“Hearing diverse perspectives, having direct one-on-one conversations about Aboriginal healthcare workforce and community needs and aspirations reinforced the importance of the RAHC programme and the work we do. I know RAHC helps with several of the points covered,” said Kim. 

For Luke, communicating the services and benefits of the RAHC and RAWR programmes and resources to attendees was a highlight of the event.

“I am really passionate about the work we do with RAHC and love an opportunity to share that with others,” Luke said. 

“By attending this conference, I was able to learn more about the needs and wants of Health Professionals, ACCHOs and other stakeholders. I also really enjoyed being able to attend with my Aspen Medical colleagues, who were able to discuss the variety of services the whole organisation can provide,” Luke said. 

To learn more about NACCHO, visit