Around the clock support
Our team in Canberra is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while you’re on placement.
Applying for a placement
After you apply to the NT Remote Locum Program, a credentialling and administration officer will take care of your enquiry.
They’ll check your skills, experience and qualifications, and put you forward to be credentialed.
We will then ask you to complete an EOI (Expression of Interest) for a placement, which we provide to health services.
If a remote health service selects you for a placement, a workforce officer will arrange everything you need to go on placement.

Transitioning to working in a remote community
The NT Remote Locum Program covers your travel from your home state to the remote community and back. The health service provides your accommodation.
Our travel and logistics team will take care of all your bookings. If you have any questions about this, contact your workforce officer.
We support your transition, so you feel prepared even if you’ve never lived or worked in a remote community before.
Your workforce officer will organise:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural training
- clinical training to learn about working in a remote medical setting if you’re a General Practitioner (GP) or Registered Nurse (RN).
Remote Educators for GPs and Registered Nurses
If you join as a GP or RN, you will also have Remote Educator (RE) support on your first placement.
REs work with you and the health service you’re joining on a tailored support plan that’s based on your experience.
Support while on placement
Our clinical team is made up of a Clinical Manager and clinical coordinators. They provide clinical support, education and training, and coordinate the REs.
If you have any clinical issues while on placement, contact your 24/7 clinical support team.
Your workforce officer can help with your contract, availability, payroll enquiries and other general support throughout your placement.
Learning and development
Access our online cultural, clinical and life-on-placement training any time to learn current information about working in remote Aboriginal communities in the NT.
Some organisations have also made free modules that are CPD approved. These are also available in our online training suite.
Supporting your wellbeing
Free, confidential counselling is always available to you and your family. If you need to talk to someone, please reach out to one of these services.
CRANAplus Bush Support Services (BSS)
BSS is a confidential phone support and debriefing service for remote health professionals and their families. It’s available 24/7 and staffed by qualified psychologists with remote and cross-cultural experience.
Call CRANAplus’s BSS line: 1800 805 391
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The EAP assists NT Remote Locum Program health professionals and their immediate family members with professional and confidential counselling on work and personal matters.
Call the EAP line: 1800 808 374