To support our Health Professionals (HPs), the Remote Area Health Corps (RAHC) has several sponsored spaces available in upcoming Remote Emergency Care (REC) and Maternity Emergency Care courses. To be eligible for these free learning opportunities, RAHC HPs must be on or scheduled for an upcoming placement between August and December.

Alice Springs

1-2 October 2022 - Remote Emergency Care


5-6 November 2022 - Remote Emergency Care


9-11 September 2022 - Maternity Emergency Care

28-30 October 2022 - Maternity Emergency Care

These courses are hosted by CRANAplus, the peak professional body for the remote and isolated health workforce.

The REC course is designed for Nurs­es, Mid­wives, Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander Health Prac­ti­tion­ers, Para­medics, and Med­ical Offi­cers. It allows par­tic­i­pants to devel­op the knowl­edge and skills nec­es­sary to respond with con­fi­dence to emer­gency sit­u­a­tions and deliv­er safe and qual­i­ty care in the remote setting.

The MEC course is designed for Nurses, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners, Paramedics and Medical Officers. It enables the remote health workforce to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to provide emergency care for expectant mothers and their babies in a remote or isolated setting.

To submit your interest in attending these courses, please complete the 'Request for support form’ and email it to [email protected].

With only limited spaces available, submit your form soon!  

Please read the RAHC 'Professional Development Policy' to confirm you meet the eligibility criteria before applying for positions in these courses. All PD must be requested and approved by RAHC before your commencement of any course or training. 

You can download the 'PD Support Policy' and 'Request for support form’ from the Health Professional page on the RAHC website. You must log in with your Health Professional account to access this page.

For support around PD, please contact the RAHC team at [email protected].

Note: Accommodation and travel are not provided for these courses.